第73回日本循環器学会総会 FFR関連演題一覧
FFRに関すると思われる演題をpick upしてみました。もしも抜けている演題に気づかれたらぜひ書き込んでください。
また、今回私自身は留守番のため残念ながら総会に参加できません。これらの演題を聞かれた方はぜひ感想を書き込んで教えてください。特に20日のControversyはどのようなdiscussionになるのか、気になりますね!まさにFAME studyをどのように解釈するか、ということになるでしょうか?
Controversy-1 (AM 8:30-):心筋虚血を証明しえない有意冠動脈病変に対してPCIを行うか?
OJ-013 (AM 8:30-) 民田浩一:Impact of microvascular dysfunction on long-term cardiovascular outcomes after primary coronary intervention for acute myocardial infarction.
PE-095 (AM 10:10-) Shinichiro Tanaka: Relation between functionally stenosis and tissue characterization of moderate coronary plaque with patients of stable coronary heart disease.
FRS-027 (PM 13:50-) Katsumi Oka: Correlation between magnetic resonance stress perfusion measurements and the pressure-derived myocardial fractional flow reserve.
OE-092 (PM 16:30-) Shinichi Fujimoto: Increased resting myocardial blood flow but reduced myocardial blood flow reserve as early manifestation of cardiac involvement in diabetes mellitus.
PJ-275 (15:30-) 前中基良:Coronary fractional flow reserve less than 0.83 is useful predictor of myocardial ischemia compared with postischemic diastolic dysfunction.
PJ-535 (16:10-) 石井英:Predictors for sirolimus eluting stent restenosis using pressure wire, coronary angiography, and IVUS parameters.
PJ-536 (16:10-) 片岡哲郎:Gender specific differences in coronary flow velocity pattern as an indicator of coronary vasodilating capacity in patients with early coronary atherosclerosis.
PE-437 (10:10-) Naohisa Shindo: Quantification of serial changes in microvascular function after coronary intervention using index of microvasculatory resistence.
OE-297 (13:50-) Tetsuro Kataoka: Baseline coronary flow velocity pattern in patients with early atherosclerosis: association of coronary flow reserve with diastolic deceleration time.
OE-401 (16:25-) Jun Yamashita: Three year clinical outcomes of patients with functionally moderate coronary artery stenosis after deferral of revascularization based on fractional flow reserve.
PJ-814 (15:30-) 民田浩一:Assessment of resifual myocardial viability in patients with prior myocardial infarction: analysis of intracoronary flow and pressure measurements.